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Roberttown CE(VC) J&I School

Good Samaritans who aspire to excellence in God's world
Our school vision is represented by
the Good Samaritan Bible story (Luke 10 25-37)

We believe that children deserve the best possible chances in life and that they learn best when there are strong links between home and school. Everything we do at Roberttown helps us to deliver our school mission of ‘Good Samaritans who inspire excellence in God’s World’.

Success to us at Roberttown means both academic and personal progress. It also means promoting an inclusive school culture, nurturing staff-pupil relationships and promoting the values that underpin our school – values of friendship, endurance, forgiveness, peace, thankfulness and trust. Our schools ethos is centred around positive behaviour management strategies with staff applying a fair and consistent approach. We endeavour to provide a calm and stimulating environment where good behaviour and mutual respect is modelled by everyone and where everyone is valued.

Miss Laura Horsfall | Headteacher

See Our Welcome Video
Miss Laura Horsfall  |  Headteacher

At Roberttown school we aim to ensure that all our children achieve to the best of their abilities. Our rich, varied curriculum provides a range of knowledge and experiences so that chidren engage with learning and flourish. Personal development is at the centre of our work and we aim for our children to become confident, caring individuals who play an active part in their education.


Latest Letters





We value...

courage kindness honesty gratitude forgiveness endurance
  • My daughter loves this school; she is happy and confident

  • Roberttown is a lovely school, both my children are very happy

  • So amazed at how well my daughter is doing and how much progress she is making

  • Roberttown is an amazing school, with staff that care
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