Our school uniform is as follows:
- grey or black short trousers/shorts, trousers, skirts, pinafores
- leggings/skinny type trousers are not acceptable
- plain white polo shirt/blouse
- badged or unbadged royal blue sweatshirt, sweatshirt cardigan, cardigan, jumper
- navy/grey/white jumpers/sweatshirts/cardigans are not acceptable.
Summer Term (from Easter to the summer holidays)
- plain style blue and white checked/striped school dress may be worn.
Please mark all your children’s clothes clearly with his/her name. ‘Sewn in’ nametapes are recommended.
Pupils must wear closed-toed, all black trainers/shoes with a flat sole that allow them to be physically active.
- High heeled shoes/boots/sling backed, flimsy or ‘beach type’ footwear are not suitable for school wear and are not permitted.
- In the case of extreme weather pupils may wear boots to school but must change into a pair of shoes on arrival at school. Boots are not permitted.
- Open-toed sandals should not be worn, even in the summer term.
PE/Games Kit
Please note: from September 2022 we are trialling ‘come in PE kit on PE days’. This means that the children should come in their PE kit on the days that their class is due to have PE. This will cut down on time getting changed and mean that the children can have longer for their PE sessions.
- The children will need to come in their PE t shirt & shorts, wearing their black jogging bottoms & sweatshirt/cardigan on top.
- Long hair should be tied back and earrings should not be worn.
- Gold round neck t-shirt (with or without the school badge)
- Royal blue or black shortsPlain colours only, no cycling shorts/‘beach type’/jersey shorts
- Black shoe type trainers without logos.
- PE kit should be kept in a drawstring pump bag (with or without the school badge).
Outdoor PE/Games Kit
- This is required all year.
- Black jogging bottoms (leggings are not permitted).
- Gold round neck t-shirt (with or without the school badge).
- Children may wear their school sweatshirt/cardigan.
No logo other than the school logo should be worn.No logo other than the school logo should be worn.
Where to purchase it:
- Uniform items with the school badge ie. School sweatshirts/sweatshirt cardigan/book bag/PE t shirt are available from:
- Term Time Wear. They are available online, bought from their Huddersfield store or ordered and delivered to school for you to collect. The website is: www.termtimewear.com
- Other non-badged uniform items are available from a wide range of suppliers including Tesco, Asda, Primark, Morrisons.
Second-hand Uniform
- Donations of out-grown uniform will be gratefully accepted and second-hand uniform sales will be organised termly.
- We will promote the use of the local uniform exchange scheme to parents and carers.
- Reading books should be kept in a Book Bag.
- No other bags should be brought to school.
- Rucksacks and any other bulky bags are not allowed.
Jewellery and Hairstyles
Please note:
- Jewellery is restricted to one small stud per ear and a watch (ear studs must be removed for PE lessons). Please note staff are not allowed to remove earrings.
- Make up, nail varnish, tattoos or extreme hairstyles/colours are not permitted.
- Hair must be natural in colour and style.
- Hair accessories should be plain and blue in colour. Hairbands should not have large flowers or other decorations attached.
- As there is only a limited amount of room in the cloakrooms PE/Games kit should be kept in a pump bag. Large rucksacks are not suitable and should not be used.
- School sweatshirts, PE kit, Pump bags and Book bags are available from Term Time Wear, see above for details.