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Roberttown CE(VC) J&I School


Governor Information


Chair of Governors: Jonathan Pickles (co-opted)
Responsible for induction

Vice Chair of Governors: Caroline Cockerill (Parent)
Responsible for Online Safety/School website compliance and member of Appraisal Committee

Headteacher: Laura Horsfall (ex officio)

Foundation Governor: Rev Sally Wallace-Jones
Responsible for SMSC & Well-Being

Foundation Governor: 

Staff Governor: Louise Wood

Co-opted Governor: Vicki Farrell
Responsible for Health & Safety Safeguarding & Child Protection

Co-opted Governor: Liz Bolt
Responsible for Early Years and member of Appraisal Committee

Co-opted Governor: Suzanne Goodall
Responsible for Training Link

Parent Governor: Kate Hydes

LA Governor:

All schools are required to have a Governing Body which usually comprises of the Head Teacher and staff, parent, Local Authority and Community representatives. As we are a Church of England school we also have Foundation Governors, appointed by the church and local diocese. All governors are volunteers and commit their time to help the school improve and develop.

Our full Governing Body is made up of twelve members and meets each half term. It comprises:

The Head Teacher

Two Parent governors - these governors have children at the school now or have had in the past and have been elected by the parents of the children attending the school. They serve for a period of four years.

Four Co-opted governors- these governors are appointed by the Governing Body. They may live locally and are often appointed to bring additional skills to the Governing Body. They serve for a period of four years.

One Local Authority representative- these governors are appointed by Kirklees Council. They serve for a period of four years.

One Staff governor- these members are elected by the school staff. They serve for a period of four years.

Three Foundation governors- these members are appointed by the church and the local diocese and have special responsibilities for sustaining and developing the school's Christian character. They serve for a period of four years.

There may also be Associate Governors. These are non elected members who have been invited on by the Governing Body because they have a particular expertise or interest.

The Governing Body undertakes a regular skills audit to ensure that they have the appropriate skills to carry out their role.

Committee Structure

A large part of the work of the Governing Body is delegated to our two main committees that meet each term and report back to the full Governing Body:


Resources Committee: responsible for health and safety, finance, buildings and premises, staffing

Members of the Resources Committee are:

Caroline Cockerill (Committee Chair), Laura Horsfall, Jonathan Pickles, Kate Hydes, Vicki Farrell, Suzanne Goodall.

Standards and Effectiveness Committee: responsible for the curriculum, standards, pupil performance and targets, Special Educational Needs

Members of the Standards Committee are:

Jonathan Pickles (Committee Chair), Laura Horsfall, Rev Sally Wallace-Jones, Louise Wood, Liz Bolt


The minutes of our meetings are available on the school website and also on display in the school entrance hall.

If you want to know a little more about the members of the Governing Body please read the Governor Profiles on the website.


Additional  Information (Please click to expand sections)

Governing Body Details & Business Interests


The role of Governors


Please see the documents below for additional information and our Governing Body Business Interests. 

Register of Business Interests 2024 - 2025

Governors Allowances Policy 2024

Governors Code of Conduct 2023

Minutes of Meetings

S&E - 08 Oct 2024

02 Oct 2024

01 Jul 2024

22 May 2024

12 April 2024

14 Mar 2024

30 Jan 2024

30 Nov 2023

20 Sept 2023

5 Jul 23

1 Dec 2022

29 Sept 2022

6 July 2022

Governor Profiles

Laura Horsfall – Head Teacher

As the Head Teacher of Roberttown CE (VC) J&I School Laura is a member of the Governing Body. Laura is new to Roberttown and joined school as Headteacher in September 2024. Being a member of the Governing Body gives her the chance to meet with all the governors on a regular basis and work together to make the best strategic decisions for school. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her family, walking her two dogs and socialising with friends.

Louise Wood- Staff Governor  

Louise is the Deputy Headteacher and a class teacher. She has been involved in Governing Body meetings since her appointment in April 2001. either as a Staff Governor or as an observer. This gives her the opportunity to support the Headteacher with the continual development of the school and keep up to date with Governing Body issues. Louise has a daughter at secondary school and she keeps her fairly busy with dancing. In her spare time Louise enjoys being in the outdoors, caravanning, walking her dog- Max and relaxing with friends. 

Suzanne Goodall– Co-opted Governor

Suzanne has been a support staff governor since 2010 and has served on the Standards Committee. She is a member of the Resources Committee. She works as an HLTA in school and leads the School Council. Previously, Suzanne worked in IT Training and has been at Roberttown School for over 10 years.  She enjoys hill walking and golf in her spare time. 

Caroline Cockerill – Parent Governor

Caroline joined the Governing Body in July 2018.  She is married to Wayne and has two young sons, one in year four at Roberttown School, she also has two older step-daughters.  Caroline has held a career in Marketing, in senior level positions for over 20 years.  Most notably as Senior Director for Symantec/Norton, the internet security company and most recently for an IT company in Huddersfield as she moved to work more locally as her family grew in recent years.  Caroline is Chair of the Governor Resources Committee and is the named Governor for Online Security. Caroline brings to the governing body her time, enthusiasm and business experience to help collectively support the school and its pupils achieve ongoing success.

Jonathan Pickles– Co-opted Governor (Chair)

Jonathan is a Parent Governor and is step parent to a child at secondary school. He also has another young child who is at Roberttown school.   Jonathan has been a teacher for 20 years and is currently a Headteacher at a school in Cleckheaton.  To relax Jonathan enjoys spending time with his family and walking the dog.

Liz Bolt – Co-opted Governor

Liz is an Early Years Professional (Early Years Teacher) and is a member of the Chartered College of Teaching. She has been the leader of a local pre-school for over 20 years and has a background in banking.  She is on the Standards and Effectiveness Committee, is a member of the Appraisals Committee and is the named governor for Early Years. Her spare time is spent relaxing with family, reading and walking the family dog. 

 Rev Sally Wallace-Jones- Foundation Governor

Sally is the vicar at Hartshead and Hightown Roberttown and Scholes where she has moved from a parish in Norfolk. Before being ordained she was a primary school teacher for more than 20 years and before that, she was an archaeologist, living and working in Egypt for several years. Sally has a particular interest in pastoral matters and well-being and enjoys being a governor, leading collective worship and taking part in other school events. She enjoys music of all kinds and loves theatre, cinema and drama. Sally is married to John who is a retired teacher,  and they have a son Nick who is married to Katie with a son Harrison and a grandson. Sally is also step mum to John's daughter Abby who is married to Bert and they have two granddaughters Beatrix and Josie. The family is completed by two cats Zara and Stan. 

 Vicki Farrell - Co-opted Governor

Vicki is a School Business Manager at another school in Kirklees, she has three grown children and now has some time to give in a voluntary capacity.  Prior to Vicki becoming a School Business Manager she worked in school as a Teaching Assistant and Nursery Nurse.  As a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Vicki works alongside families to help them and their children to achieve their full potential. Vicki is also a Governor at the school she works at.

 Kate Hydes - Parent Governor

Kate joined the Governing body in September 2022.  She has two daughters with the youngest one a pupil in year 3 here at Roberttown Junior & Infant School. Her other daughter attends the local secondary school.  Kate works as a Business Development Executive and Customer Service/Admin Manager for an Occuaptional Health company based in West Yorkshire, but she can find herself travelling across the country.  Previously, Kate worked within the customer service field for the motor industry.  Kate has a passion for the outdoors and can often be found with her children enjoying the countryside or attending country shows.

What Is A Governor?


School governors are one of the largest volunteer groups in the country. Most schools work with a group of school governors - together they’re called the 'governing body'. Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in school. They’re involved in decisions about all aspects of managing the school – such as running buildings and budgets, supporting staff and setting standards of school discipline.

The role of the governing body is strategic. Governing Bodies:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • Are a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)

What does the role involve?

Most governing bodies meet each half term. Governors are also be expected to join one or two sub-committees – these are responsible for areas such as health and safety, the curriculum, finance or buildings. You’ll need to be able to work well in a team, as you’ll be making joint decisions on policy.

As a governor you’ll probably need to commit ten to fifteen hours per term. However this can vary, depending on any issues the school is working on at the time. The role of the governor will be more demanding if the school is going through a significant change such as appointing a new head teacher, or joining with another school.

Who can be a School Governor?

Almost anyone over 18 can become a governor – you don’t have to be a parent with a child at the school.

The most important qualities for being a governor are enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education. You don’t need teaching experience, but it’s useful to bring skills from other areas of your life.

Becoming a School Governor?

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please click the link below for further information from Kirklees.


When there’s a vacancy for a parent governor all parents will be informed, and you’ll have a chance to stand for election.

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