Church School

We believe that our school vision is reflected through the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Roberttown J & I School is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled School. We are proud of our close links with All Saints Church, Roberttown. Revd Sally, our vicar and Jayne, our assistant priest, are regular visitors to school. They lead Collective Worship, spend time in classes and support work in RE.

Our most recent SIAMs inspection was in July 2019 and we are very proud of our report. 

Our Values

We have been working together to explore the Christian Values that we think represent our school most. We have chosen:

friendship        endurance        forgiveness        peace          thankfulness        trust


Collective Worship at Roberttown 2023/24

During the week Collective Worship (CW) takes place as follows:

Monday: KS1/2 CW led by Mrs Smith

Tuesday: CW is led by visiting clergy (often Sally or Jayne from All Saints' Church) or the children

Wednesday: Singing Praise led by Mrs Smith

Thursday: Class or pupil group CW

Friday: Celebration CW held separately for Y1/2 and Y3-6

The children in our Reception year group join together each day for their 'Candle Time' Collective Worship.

Collective Worship Themes

Through the year we have a range of themes for our Collective Worship. These are based on the church year and Christian values.

Autumn Term 2023: Service & Wisdom

Spring Term 2024: Community & Courage

Summer Term 2024: Respect & Justice


Reflection Tables

Each of our classes has their own Refelction Table. This is a special place in the classroom where the children can place objects that have a particular meaning for them- perhaps a special photograph or object or something like a leaf collected on a walk.


 Prayer Tree

A focal point in our Hall is the prayer tree. Children may write a prayer and place it on the tree and the prayers are then used in Collective Worship.

Visiting Church

We visit All Saints Church regularly during the year:

  • At the start of the school year
  • Harvest Festival
  • Christmas Carol Service
  • Easter
  • Y6 Leavers Service
  • End of the school year

Our Link with Kirumi School in Mara, Tanzania

For the past few years we have linked with Kirumi School which is in Mara, Tanzania. Around 80 churches and schools in the diocese are linked. As part of this link clergy and teachers from the diocese visited in Mara in February 2019. We sent letters to Kirumi school and Rev Stephen Rochell delivered them for us. He sent us a picture of the children.

 When Stephen visited Kirumi he came and told us all about it in Collective Worship. Stephen asked us to raise mjoney for desks  and on 24th May we held our non uniform day for Kirumi to raise money to buy desks. We raised £272 which will buy 9 desks!