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Roberttown CE(VC) J&I School


Intent: Our Vision

 Our vision at Roberttown, is to ignite and build upon our pupil’s natural curiosity to explore and discover a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Their science learning will promote in them respect, care and appreciation of our natural world and all its’ phenomena. We aim to provide our pupils with a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them. We want to nurture a future generation of independent scientific thinkers and instil a passion for learning about the world around us that will continue to grow and enable children to think scientifically about some of the challenges we may face in the future.

Implementation: Our Approach

We aim to provide a high-quality science education which provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.  We encourage pupils to be curious and ask questions about what they notice, investigate problems and discover why science matters. Concepts will be developed through a practical enquiry approach allowing pupils to develop core skills by observing changes, asking questions,  noticing patterns, grouping and classifying, developing fair tests and using secondary resources.

We pride ourselves on providing a Science curriculum that not only follows the National Curriculum but also provides deeper opportunities for increasing the science capital of our children.  This is provided by planned opportunities within our lessons and real life context including STEM competitions, visitors and talks, school trips, STEM clubs, celebrating British Science Week and enrichment opportunities wherever possible.

We implement a broad and balanced curriculum that is progressive through school giving full coverage as detailed in the National Curriculum programmes for Science. It is taught as a discrete subject in KS2 and integrated into projects in KS1, with the science element being made explicit to the children. This builds on EYFS 'Understanding the World' where high quality learning supports our pupils’ early development and is aimed to spark curiosity and wonder. Children are taught how to think like a scientist and become familiar with, and use, scientific vocabulary which is progressive throughout the school. We endeavour to develop our expertise and ability to deliver high quality science lessons, deeply rooted in scientific knowledge and with rich and regular opportunities to work scientifically and develop the science capital of all our children. 

Science has greatly shaped our world and will continue to do so more than ever which is why at Roberttown School it has a high profile.  Our hope is that we can inspire future generations and promote a passion and appreciation for science and ensure all of our children not only, have access to a high-quality science education, but also to enable them to flourish in our ever changing society. 

Further Information

Subject Rationale

Long Term Plan

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