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Roberttown CE(VC) J&I School

PE at Roberttown


Implementing the Sport Premium

Government departments have provided every Primary School with funding to develop PE, Sport and Health.

At Roberttown we aim to:

  • Encourage maximum participation in physical activity and deliver health programmes to improve the wellbeing of our children.
  • Increase the amount of competitive sport in which our children participate.
  • Develop links to community sports clubs and providers.
  • Promote leadership skills through sport and provide pathways for both talented children and those with special needs in sport.

Our long term aim is higher quality PE and improved learning for children at our school.

If you feel our school Sport and PE would benefit from something specific, please speak to Mrs Bordman or complete a comment form at the office.

We hope you feel our work so far has impacted our teaching of PE, sport and health.

To find out more about our PE teaching please click the link:  https://www.roberttownschool.co.uk/pe/ 

Sports Premium Documents:

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