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Roberttown CE(VC) J&I School


Roberttown CE (VC) J&I School is committed to:

  • Challenging discrimination and harassment whenever they occur.
  • Promoting equality of access and opportunity within our school and the wider community.
  • Promoting positive attitudes to differences between people of different backgrounds, genders, sexual orientation, ethnic origins, cultures,
  • faiths and capabilities.

At our school we try to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and respectfully. We want to make sure that our school is a safe and secure place for everyone. People have different needs and we understand that treating people equally does not always mean treating them the same.

Equality Objectives

Objective 1:

To improve signage around school

Why we have chosen this objective: To ensure the signage around school is more inclusive and accessible to improve communication.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Audit existing signage, source and cost signage that provides information in a variety of ways to aid accessibility.

Objective 2:

Widen knowledge and understanding of equality and diversity knowledge through studying a variety of significant people.

Why we have chosen this objective: Broaden children’s knowledge and understanding of diversity and equality, ensuring a range of characteristics are represented.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Identify opportunities within the curriculum to study a range of significant people from a breadth of characteristics.

Equality and Accessibility Plan Impact Statement 2023


  • School environment reflects an inclusive approach – reduced cognitive load, consistent across school.
  • Vulnerable Pupil check-in meetings take place, in addition to Pupil Progress, to track, identify need and assign intervention.
  • A selection of chromebooks are available for identified children to support with access to the curriculum.
  • Packs of books were purchased to supplement all reading corners from Yr 1 – 6 focusing on diversity and equality.
  • The SENCo attends ANP meetings through the Spenborough Trust. Staff access advice and guidance from outside agencies to support the range of needs within school.


  • Information to parents is presented in a variety of ways to enable easy access – email, posters in classroom windows, class Instagram, school website.
  • Staff have a good understanding of our families and are proactive in ensuring information and reminders are given directly, where appropriate.
  • Comments Sheets are available at all parent events to collect feedback and suggestions.


  • Evaluation of the school building shows that it is suitable for the current needs of our stakeholders.

Next Steps:

  • Continue to increase range and availability of extra-curricular activities.


Our full Equality Policy can be found on our Policies page: 


If you or anyone else you know have any additional needs, such as information using larger print or accessing the school, please use our contact details to let us know.

We want to be able to ensure that we are meeting the accessibility needs of all our school community.

Contact Details:

Roberttown CE (VC) J&I School
Church Road
WF15 8BE

Telephone: 01924 403532

Email: office@rjis.org.uk

Updated December 2023

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