Curriculum Overview
The Curriculum at Roberttown School
At Roberttown school our staff have worked together to create a broad, balanced and rich curriculum. In preparation for the 2014 update of the National Curriculum we evaluated our long term planning and took the opportunity to refresh our projects to ensure that they are relevant and meet the needs of the learners in our school.
In years 1 and 2 we use a project approach for the foundation subjects of History, Geography and also for Science. These projects may include elements from other subjects such as Art, Music and Design Technology, Literacy. Subjects may also be taught discretely, building skills and knowledge to enable children to achieve their potential.
In KS2 (years 3-6) the subjects are taught discretely, in order to fully develop the specific skills and knowledge needed for each area of the curriculum.
We use visits and visitors to enrich our curriculum. For example a history project may be enhanced by a trip to a castle, or by a theme day in school where the children have the opportunity to handle artefacts and learn more.
Whole school theme days/weeks such as Health Week, World Cup Day enable the children to work in different groups to find out more about a culture or theme.
If you would like further information about the curriculum please speak to your child's class teacher.