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Roberttown CE(VC) J&I School


If your child is starting primary school (reception) in September 2025 you must apply online from 1st September 2024 (applies for children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021).

The Kirklees LA application form will be available from 1st September 2024.

If you would like to come and look round our friendly school then please contact the school office on 01924 403532.

Admissions Information

 We follow the Kirklees Admission arrangements. If the number of requests is greater than the number of places available, places will be offered following the Kirklees admission criteria for community and voluntary controlled schools:

Parent Guide 2024/25

Changing school during the school year

For information on changing school during the school year please click the link below


For further information please contact:

Kirklees Metropolitan Council
Schools Admissions
First Floor Kirkgate Buildings
Byram Street

Tel: 01484 225007

Email: pupiladmissions@kirklees.gov.uk

Parents can check which priority admission area their address falls on the Kirklees website at:

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