Online Safety

We have designed this page to inform both children and parents on how to stay safe when using the internet. Follow the links on the pictures below to find out more.

Please take time to read the leaflets below for advice.

DownloadNSPCC Parents guide to keeping children safe online DownloadChildnet primary leaflet DownloadChildnet parents leaflet

At school all the computers/laptops have a 'Big Red Button' installed that the children can click to close the screen and alert staff if something unsafe is seen. The internet connection is also filtered for their protection. For home safety please see the following webpages.


The BBC has some fantastic resources with lots of fun activities.

Childnet is charity that works with young people all over the world, helping them understand how to stay safe, when using the internet, again it if full of information and good advice. Click on the bar below to visit their site.
